Chapter 25:  The duke and dauphin go to the Wilks home and meet Peter Wilks's three nieces.  Huck does not like this idea at all.  A letter written by Peter states that his two brothers get land and $3,000.  The three nieces received the house and $3,000.  The duke and dauphin find the money and count it.  The money is a little short, so the dauphin and duke add some of their own money.  The two men give all the money to the three girls.  Doctor Robinson calls the two men fakes.  The nieces show their belief by giving the duke and dauphin the $6,000 to invest.

Chapter 26:  The dauphin arranges for the group to stay in the Wilks house.  Johanna, the youngest niece, tests Huck's knowledge of England.  She is yelled at by the other two.  Huck feels awful about stealing money from a sweet woman.  He goes into the con men's room and takes the $6,000.  Huck takes the money to his sleeping cubby, and he sneaks out that night.

Chapter 27:  Huck hid the money in the dead man's coffin.  At the funeral, the undertaker seals the coffin without looking inside.  Huck is unsure of what to do.  The dauphin sells the estate and slaves.  He told the women that he would take them to England.  The missing money is blamed on the slaves.  The women are very upset that the slave family was separated.

Chapter 28:  Huck finds Mary Jane in her room crying for the slaves.  Overwhelmed, Huck blurts out the fact that the slaves would be reunited soon.  After thinking it over, Huck tells Mary Jane the whole truth.  To keep the plan a secret until Huck could get away, Mary Jane goes to a friend's house.  Later that day, a mob interrupt the auctioning of the Wilks family possessions.  Two of the men in the mob claim to be the real Harvey and William Wilks.

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